Safer, Quicker Brain Surgery

Europe develops robots to assist neurosurgeons

The ACTIVE project (Active Constraints Technologies for III-defined or Volatile Environments) is a 4 year European project which started in April of 2011. The ACTIVE project stemmed from a previous European project called ROBOCAST which resulted in the development of new types of robots to assist neurosurgeons.
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EU Robotics Week is On!

Check out the calendar to find an event near you!

if you’re in London December 1st-4th drop by the London Science museum’s Robotville festival to explore the cultural significance of robots and meet 20 of the most fascinating robots in Europe. Admission is free and robots will be accompanied by their creators who will be available to answer your questions about these incredible machines.

Robots and Royalty

icub meets Spain’s Prince and Princess of Asturias, Don Felipe and Doña Letizia at the Campus Party Milenio, Granada

The event is being celebrated from the 12th -26th of October to mark the  the millennium of the Kingdom of Granada. With over 600 experts  from 22 countries of the
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Wiggling to the Rescue

Check out the worm-bot

This robot is modeled after the Caenorhabditis elegans,  a tiny roundworm whose very simple nervous system allows it to carry out complex body movements. Its designer Dr. Jordan Boyle, from the schools of Computing and Mechanical Engineering at the University of Leeds, hopes that this robot can one day be used for rescue missions.
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It's Written on Your Face

Check out this video explaining what makes human faces so special and how this relates to a European robotics project

Our faces paint a portrait of our inner emotions for the rest of the world to see. Whether we like it or not, our facial expressions give others information about the way we are feeling. A stranger’s smile might cause you to smile back and start a friendly conversation with them during a ride on the metro, while another’s scowl might be a good indicator they’re not in the mood to talk. As subtle as these non-verbal cues may seem,
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Cognitive Automobiles

Image: Craig ONeil

Take a ride in a car with reasoning abilities

Rüdiger Dillmann and his team at the Humanoids and Intelligent Systems Lab at the Karlsruhe  Institute of Technology are working on creating cognitive automobiles that have an understanding of traffic situations and can respond accordingly.
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