Robots for everyone

Source: MIT

MIT Printable Robot
Source: MIT










The idea of creating cheap and affordable robots has been haunting robotics enthusiasts for a long time. In fact, when it comes to robots, for most of us there still exist only two price categories: expensive and very expensive. However, if we want to inspire and attract young people into the field of robotics, it is crucial that they have a chance to be part of the robotics community and, most importantly, to get their hands on robots.

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Barcelona Robotics Meeting 2014

logo-barcelona-robotics-miniLast Saturday robotics enthusiasts from all over Barcelona gathered in the Mobile World Centre at the heart of the city to learn about how the latest robotic technology is being put at the service of citizens. The event was organised by the educaBOT foundation, which aspires to promote science and technology and introduce a wider audience to the reality of robotics research and industry.

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