Robots for everyone

Source: MIT

MIT Printable Robot
Source: MIT










The idea of creating cheap and affordable robots has been haunting robotics enthusiasts for a long time. In fact, when it comes to robots, for most of us there still exist only two price categories: expensive and very expensive. However, if we want to inspire and attract young people into the field of robotics, it is crucial that they have a chance to be part of the robotics community and, most importantly, to get their hands on robots.

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European Robotics Week

November 28th-December 4th, 2011

Are you curious about the growing application of robotics in Europe? There’s no need to to be a robotics expert to attend the events that are part of this year’s first ever eu Robotics Week.  Events will include: exhibitions, lab tours, public talks, and competitions all organized locally in cities through out Europe.

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