Scientists set robots against Ebola

Xenex's germ-zapping robot Credit: Xenex

Xenex’s germ-zapping robot
Credit: Xenex

With the official Ebola death toll approaching 5,000, scientists are increasingly concerned with exploiting all possible ways of fighting this deadly disease. While the biggest labs around the world are working on a vaccine that will hopefully exterminate Ebola once and for all, roboticists are developing more unconventional ways of preventing the spread of the disease.

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Robots Hit Healthcare in New Ways

Robots are out of the operating room and at patients’ bedsides!

Robots that perform surgery have been around for a while. The da Vinci system, which has been in use since the 90s, electronically translates a surgeon’s hand movement into much smaller movements Continue reading

A Robot's Bedside Manner

Researchers at the Georgia Institute of Technology discuss their research on a robot’s touch.

How can we make robots safe?  How can we make them perform their tasks effectively? Although these are among the most critical questions today’s robot engineers must address, recently, researchers have felt the need to delve further into some of the issues pertaining to the use of medical robots.  For example, what types of robot-human interaction are people comfortable with, how do we make robots communicate their intentions, and  how will people perceive them?