Welcome to a Robot-Lover's Paradise

Robot Land is scheduled to open in 2014  in Incheon, South Korea

South Korea’s  got robots covered; from classrooms to the Northern border, the nation’s using robots to support humans just about anywhere.   But their robots aren’t all work and no play; Robot Land’s creators aim to foster ¨robot culture¨ bringing its visitors
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Safer, Quicker Brain Surgery

Europe develops robots to assist neurosurgeons

The ACTIVE project (Active Constraints Technologies for III-defined or Volatile Environments) is a 4 year European project which started in April of 2011. The ACTIVE project stemmed from a previous European project called ROBOCAST which resulted in the development of new types of robots to assist neurosurgeons.
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EU Robotics Week is On!

Check out the calendar to find an event near you!

if you’re in London December 1st-4th drop by the London Science museum’s Robotville festival to explore the cultural significance of robots and meet 20 of the most fascinating robots in Europe. Admission is free and robots will be accompanied by their creators who will be available to answer your questions about these incredible machines.

Furbidden Knowledge

What makes machines more alive than dolls?

This episode of the radiolab podcast titled Furbidden Knowledge, features an interview with Freedom Baird a former graduate student at the MIT media lab. During the episode, Baird and hosts perform a so called ¨emotional turing test¨ on a group of 7 and 8 year olds. Presenting the children with a Barbie doll, a Furby and a real hamster, they take a look at how long the children are comfortable holding each one upside down.

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A Robot who Really Does the Dirty Deeds

The University of Pennsylvania has a poop-scooping pal

Formally the name of the project  responsible for developing this robot is Perception Of Offensive Products and Sensorized Control Of Object Pickup but the acronym POOP SCOOP puts things more bluntly.
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