Personalized Assistance from Robots

Robots help out—the way we want them to!

Both humans and robots work in manufacturing plants however, they don’t usually work alongside one another. Robots are most often used in repetitive, exhausting or hazardous work, while people are needed for tasks that require finer skill and detail. An earlier post on this blog discussed some of the ways robots have started working alongside humans but there are of course some important issues to consider if we really want to make this kind of collaboration work.
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Working With Robots

Instead of stealing our jobs, robots might keep them around and even make them easier 

Robots are becoming more intelligent at the same time as they’re becoming more affordable. An article in The Economist discusses the need for executives of large companies to start considering the management of robots and other non-human resources.

With a struggling global economy, job availability is an overwhelmingly serious concern world-wide.
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