Swarm construction

Watch these termite-inspired robots in action 

Termites are some of nature’s most magnificent architects that can easily build complex mounds that exceed their own size by several orders of magnitude – occasionally reaching up to nine meters in height. Paradoxically enough, each of these tiny insects does not have even a remote idea of what kind of structure it is building, nor does it receive orders from any termite authority. In fact, the termites’ architectural prowess makes no sense except in the context of swarm intelligence.

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Machines as Medical Mock-Ups

3DModel_faceIn the near future, doctors may try out treatments on virtual versions of ourselves

Advances in  medical technology have played a major role in increasing people’s average life expectancy.
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When Machines Get Super Savvy, Will Human Intelligence Become Obsolete?

A leading expert in the field of Artificial Intelligence argues that smart machines will compliment, not copy us


The term Singularity refers to the theory that — in conformance with the way technology has been advancing— ultra-sophisticated technology is inevitably likely to emerge. Technology so advanced, it would surpasses human intelligence and capability.
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