A Bit of Bacteria Goes a Long Way

Electron microscope image of the microbe, Geobacter sulfurreducens

The U.S.’s  Naval Research Laboratory  powers mini robots with microorganisms

All sorts of robots are used to help us explore outer space but bigger isn’t always better when it comes to extraterrestrial explorers. These machines require loads of energy and last time we checked, outer space lacks electrical outlets….
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Robots Hit Healthcare in New Ways

Robots are out of the operating room and at patients’ bedsides!

Robots that perform surgery have been around for a while. The da Vinci system, which has been in use since the 90s, electronically translates a surgeon’s hand movement into much smaller movements Continue reading

Busy at the Office?

Who couldn’t use the help of a  CoBot?

The CoBots are being developed my Professor Manuela Veloso and her team at the CORAL (Cooperate-Observe-Reason-Act-Learn) research group at Carnegie Mellon University. Tasks are easily assigned to them through a special program online and then they are ready to  navigate carefully through the workplace delivering items from one office to the next.
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Racy times with Roxxxy

Let’s talk about sex (with robots)

7000 USD can now buy you alternative forms of intimacy with a companion/sex robot developed by the American company TrueCompanion. Some people may find the idea of this revolting, perverted or just plain weird but with sexuality playing such a fundamental role in our lives
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