Snails team up with biofuel cells to make electricity
Sugar is what provides energy for many animals but what if it could provide something more?
Biofuel cells are capable of converting chemical energy into electrical energy. Continue reading
Snails team up with biofuel cells to make electricity
Sugar is what provides energy for many animals but what if it could provide something more?
Biofuel cells are capable of converting chemical energy into electrical energy. Continue reading
¨I’m now filming your bionic hand with my bionic eye¨
Protagonist of Eidos-Montreal’s new video game Deus Ex: Human Revolution, Adam Jensen is a crime fighting cyborg in the year 2027. Like real-life cyborgs, the video game character underwent radical surgeries to merge his body with mechanical parts after a devastating accident.
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Check out Amber Case’s TED talk
While ancient and modern tools serve as an extension of our physical selves, today’s technology also allows us to extend our mental selves. This is what Amber Case discusses in a TED talk on her reasons for becoming a Cyborg Anthropologist.
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According to writer, philosopher and cognitive scientist Andy Clark, being a cyborg is just part of human nature
Generally, the term cyborg refers to a biological being whose capabilities have been enhanced by or are dependent on a machine.
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