Don’t be afraid of big data

European Commission bets on data-driven economy

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Information can be scary, and even more so when we find ourselves humbled by its immensity. In a press release issued earlier this week, the European Commission has once again demonstrated that it is not afraid of big data. Quite the opposite, Europe is more than ever ready to embrace it – a gesture, which is reflected in Europe’s strong bet on research projects like CEEDs, which uses big data to enhance human cognition and improve problem solving.

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A Bigger and Better Robotics Industry for Europe

The European Commission recognizes Robotics as a key industry for the future of Europe

The European Commission has recently agreed to launch a Public Private Partnership in Robotics (PPP) between academia and industry for 2013. 

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Safer, Quicker Brain Surgery

Europe develops robots to assist neurosurgeons

The ACTIVE project (Active Constraints Technologies for III-defined or Volatile Environments) is a 4 year European project which started in April of 2011. The ACTIVE project stemmed from a previous European project called ROBOCAST which resulted in the development of new types of robots to assist neurosurgeons.
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