Making Robots Social

Leading experts tell us how it’s being done

Researchers look at human social intelligence from different perspectives but when it comes to integrating that  into  robots, social intelligence must be narrowed down to some key components.
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Emotion Reading Robots

Perceptive machines lend a hand in the real-world

The robot featured in the picture is named Matilda and she also has a ¨male¨counterpart named Jack. Their creators at La Trobe University ( in partnership with  Kyoto University and Japan’s NEC Corporation) Continue reading

Boxie: The Chatterbox Bot

New research from MIT involves a cardboard box-like robot

This cardboard box isn’t meant to be packed into a moving van! In fact, it’s not really a cardboard box at all but rather, a story collecting robot, of course. Meet Boxie, another one of the MIT Media Lab‘s creations.
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Pals in Pediatrics

The ALIZ-E project investigates the use of social robots with children in hospitals

The European project ALIZ-E began in the spring of 2010 and is scheduled to run for another 3 years with 8.29M€ in funding.

The goal of the project is to determine
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