How to make your brains feel at home

Spacemaker VR is an application for Oculus headset that allows designers to walk through their creations Source: Digital Physical

Spacemaker VR is an Oculus-based virtual reality system that allows designers to walk through their designs
Source: Digital Physical

The physical spaces we inhabit have a direct influence on how we feel, think and behave. Understanding this implicit dialogue between built environments and our minds continues to open new ways for architects to design physical spaces that better meet people’s needs. Neuro-architecture, interactive architecture, intelligent environments and virtual reality technology are among those exciting and partially overlapping disciplines that are currently on the frontline of the ongoing architectural revolution.

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Virtual reality labs reshape how we process information


We live in a time when the scale of scientific research is undergoing an unprecedented exponential growth, which contributes to the generation of equally unprecedented amounts of data. Disciplines like neuroscience, astronomy or particle physics are piling up so much information that finding and implementing new ways of representing, navigating and manipulating this information is rapidly becoming a pressing necessity.

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Europe's Integrative Technology

Robots for stroke patients and more…

The video above features the LOPES  (Lower Extremity-Powered ExoSkeleton) developed by Dr. ir Herman van der Kooij  and his team at the University of Twente, Netherlands to assist stroke patients who are learning how to walk again. It’s a critical time to invest in projects such as this one as Europeans- and many other populations around the world- are ageing  while the number of care giving professionals is dwindling.
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