Robot Companions: Student Design Competition

Calling all art and design students from Sheffield Hallam University!

What will the next generation of robot helpers look like? If you’ve got a vision,
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FET Flagships Pilots Midterm Conference

Held November 24-25 at the Warsaw University of Technology and the University of Warsaw.

The 6 FET Flagships showed off their stuff  at the midterm conference, involving about 250 European scientists and policy makers, who assessed the progress made by each of the flagships, reevaluating their goals and the possible impacts they will have.
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EU Robotics Week is On!

Check out the calendar to find an event near you!

if you’re in London December 1st-4th drop by the London Science museum’s Robotville festival to explore the cultural significance of robots and meet 20 of the most fascinating robots in Europe. Admission is free and robots will be accompanied by their creators who will be available to answer your questions about these incredible machines.

Robots and Royalty

icub meets Spain’s Prince and Princess of Asturias, Don Felipe and Doña Letizia at the Campus Party Milenio, Granada

The event is being celebrated from the 12th -26th of October to mark the  the millennium of the Kingdom of Granada. With over 600 experts  from 22 countries of the
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European Robotics Week

November 28th-December 4th, 2011

Are you curious about the growing application of robotics in Europe? There’s no need to to be a robotics expert to attend the events that are part of this year’s first ever eu Robotics Week.  Events will include: exhibitions, lab tours, public talks, and competitions all organized locally in cities through out Europe.

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Innovation robotic summit  held in Lyon, France March 23-25, 2011

The innorobo summit featured the exhibit of more than 100 robots, 30 of which were on display for the first time ever in Europe. It  included conferences on a wide range of topics such as the social implications of robotics and the shape of robots to come.
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The Future of Biomimetic Machines

Convergent Science Network’s Anna Mura and Team Win Best Exhibit at This Year’s FET11 Conference in Budapest, Hungary


Diagram of neuroprosthetic implant containing the cerebellar chip, electrodes and power cords

The exhibit featured demonstrations which displayed the potential of biomimetic systems to transform the way information and communication technologies are developed and applied in today’s world. It showcased RENACHIP: a cerebellar chip which could be implemented as a feasible solution for the recovery of a lost learning function.

Aside from this revolutionary neuroprosthetic, the display also included: a biomimetic chemical sensing robot, a wearable device that allows exploration of complex brain data and the biomimetic robot icub pictured to the right with the Neelie Kroes, one of the Vice Presidents of the European Commission.

Check out this video featuring ¨Walking Moth¨, a chemical sensing robot


Read on to find out about and SEE some of the other amazing exhibits at FET11
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Robot Companions for Citizens is Officially Launched at FET11

Paulo Dario presents the Robot Companions for Citizens coordination action at FET11

Robot Companions for Citizens is of one six pilot initiatives that was officially presented at FET11

FET11 (European Future Technologies Conference Exhibition) was the second installment of a new forum dedicated to new research in information and communication technologies (ICT).  The conference, held May 4-6, 2011 in Budapest, Hungary, featured the launching of Robot Companions for Citizens as one of  6 Pilot Actions that will now be funded until May of 2012.
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