The 2012 Living Machines Conference

Here’s a taste of what went on over the 3 day event organized by the Convergent Science Network

Electro sensors inspired by fish who navigate their way through murky waters, robots that dance with the honeybees, and artificial muscles and blood vessels making their way into modern medicine. These are just a few of the research topics that were Continue reading

More Humanoids in Action

Check out some of the most life-like robots out there!

The  HRP-4C Humanoid  robot was developed by The National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST) of Japan and Kawada Industries. As you can see above, this robot can put on quite the show! Created mainly for entertainment purposes, this robot has even hit fashion runways! Actroid- DER3, developed by Osaka University and the robotics company Kokoro, is also being used for similar purposes.
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The Robot Revolution…

Is it about robot evolution?

Robots have been transforming industries for years. In fact, it seems fair to say that the robot revolution happened a few decades ago and now we’re onto the sequel.

Time magazine featured a  cover story titled The Robot Revolution in 1980.
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Man's (Mechanical) Best Friend

From canine companions to cleaning machines, robots are seeing all kinds of new applications

A robotic seeing  eye dog has recently been developed by Japan’s manufacturing company NSK.  A recent article makes the point that although this seeing eye dog  won’t get distracted by squirrels or tasty treats,  it looks like this robot needs a bit more work before it can keep up with its furry counterparts.
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European Robotics Week

November 28th-December 4th, 2011

Are you curious about the growing application of robotics in Europe? There’s no need to to be a robotics expert to attend the events that are part of this year’s first ever eu Robotics Week.  Events will include: exhibitions, lab tours, public talks, and competitions all organized locally in cities through out Europe.

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Robotics in Europe

How is research funded in Europe?

The European union’s Lisbon strategy aims to have Europe become the “most dynamic competitive knowledge-based economy in the world”.  “Framework Programs” (FPs) are financial tools used to achieve ambitious goals such as this by providing support for European research and development activities.



What does European research focus on?

FP7 is currently in place with a strong focus on information and communication technology research (ICT), which is vital to the competitiveness of European industry and to meeting the demands of its society and economy. A specific focus within FP7 is cognitive systems and robotics. With a solid base in industrial robotics, European robotics research also focuses on professional service, domestic service, security and space robotics. Extensive analysis of market developments and future opportunities are being continuously performed to help maintain and expand Europe’s  leading position in this sector.


Where does European robotics stand globally?

The potential in the field of robotics in Europe is huge: there are strong robotics and automation suppliers supported by a well networked education and research community. European nations that are most involved in robotics are Germany, Sweden, Italy, France, Finland, Belgium and Spain. The need for robotics in Europe is also great in terms of security, healthcare, industry and the monitoring of everyday environments.
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