DNA Robot Targets and Destroys Cancer Cells

Nanorobot mimics behaviour of white blood cells to get the job done!

DNA nanorobot from Wyss Institute on Vimeo.

Upon identifying specific deviant cells, the tiny organic robot releases its payload of destructive material onto the cancerous target while well-functioning surrounding cells remain out of harm’s way. This is the gist of the research carried out by Shawn Douglas, Ido Bachelet and George Church that was recently published in Science.
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irobot Takes the Roomba up a Few Notches

irobot’s new bot Ava is much more than vacuum

¨There’s a need for robots that can help people live independently…the number of people over the age of 65 is increasing dramatically,¨ explains the CEO of irobot, Colin Angle in an interview with CNNmoney. Angle further explains that even though many senior citizens may require assistance in their daily living, many of them don’t want to move into assisted living facilities.
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Emotion Reading Robots

Perceptive machines lend a hand in the real-world

The robot featured in the picture is named Matilda and she also has a ¨male¨counterpart named Jack. Their creators at La Trobe University ( in partnership with  Kyoto University and Japan’s NEC Corporation) Continue reading

Canine (Robot) Companions

DARPA’s pup has been trained to follow the pack!

Militaries around the world view physical exhaustion of their soldiers as one of their main challenges, since soldiers often have to carry loads of up 50kg on their backs through rough, volatile terrain. So why not ease the load with the help of a four-legged robot?
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Boxie: The Chatterbox Bot

New research from MIT involves a cardboard box-like robot

This cardboard box isn’t meant to be packed into a moving van! In fact, it’s not really a cardboard box at all but rather, a story collecting robot, of course. Meet Boxie, another one of the MIT Media Lab‘s creations.
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Demand for Domestic Bots

68% of participants in a market research survey think domestic robots would be useful

Furthermore, the survey indicated that nearly half of that 68% would even take out a loan to buy one in the future!

If you had a robot at home, what are some of the tasks you would have it do? Participants of the survey stated that help moving heavy objects was at the top of the list. Other robot-worthy tasks included  providing home security,  cleaning windows, washing floors and dishes and doing laundry.
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Robot Revolutionizes Home Schooling

Learning from home may be the only option for some but robots can help fill some critical gaps

Cris Colaluca is a 14 year old boy who is attending class at his local school for the first time in six years. Technically, he’s sitting at a desk in his room, in New Castle, USA, but a mobile VGo robot allows him to experience his seventh grade math class between two of his peers in the front row.
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Those Blue Jeans Sound Like a C Sharp

Cyborg, Neil Harbisson listens to the music of colour

Harbisson’s visual world is painted  in black, white and shades of grey. A rare genetic condition termed Achromatopsia is what’s responsible for colouring his surroundings like the pages of a newspaper.

He took an interest in both art and music at an early age and began studying fine art at Institut Alexandre Satorras in Mataró, Spain, where he had special permission to use only black and white.
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Robot and Frank

Take a sneak peek at a favourite from this year’s Sundance Film Festival

Robot and Frank premiered this week at the 2012 Sundance Film Festival in Park City, Utah. Directed by Jake Schreier and written by Christopher Ford, this dramatic comedy features a relationship between an elderly man and a robot bought for him by his kids who are concerned about his well being .
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Robots Mean Business

Business bot by Elys Dolan ¨He'll do your tax return and wear a tie but draws the line at shirts¨.

Robotic advancements are boosting existing industries and paving the way for entirely new ones.

In the business world, robots are basically placed in either one of two categories: industrial or service. Industrial robots are the ones that help us manufacture cars, process food and assist in a great many tasks where repetitive assembly is required.

Presently, the number of industrial robots greatly surpasses that of service robots. According to the World Industrial Robotics 2011 report, there were 1,035,000 Continue reading